
St Martin's Church of England Primary School

‘Faith and Endeavour - Living and Learning together’

Year 3 - Birch

Welcome to Year 3's webpage!


Our teacher is Mrs Pemble. We are supported in class by Mrs Brooker, Mr Buck and Mr Stockley.



Don't forget to check the website regularly and check our blog to comment on what you have been learning at home or in school. 

Welcome to Term 3, we have another exciting term ahead of us!


In English, we will be focusing on using the correct tense in our Historical Narrative writing, including the progressive (for eg: am writing, was waiting) and the present perfect (for eg: I have been here before). We will also be forming nouns using the prefixes: mis, un and dis. This term we will look at punctuating speech correctly using inverted commas. Our text for this term is Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura. Using all of these skills, we will end the term by writing our own historical narrative. In Whole Class Reading, we will be reading Iron Man.


In Maths we will continue to focus on Multiplication and Division, specifically the 3, 4 and 8 times tables.


In Science, we will be learning about rocks and soil whilst in RE, we will be learning about Incarnation: What is the Trinity.


PE days this term are on Wednesdays and Thursdays, please remember to come to school wearing your PE kit and bring in your swimming gear every Wednesday. We will be learning how to play Hockey on Thursdays.



Birch Classroom

We are challenging all children to read to an adult at least 4 times a week. Don't forget to record this in their reading logs. Please practise your times tables; we are currently counting in 2s, 5s, 10s, 3s, 4s and 8s using the Maths language of 'groups of'. Thank you for your continued support. Times Table Rockstars, Hit the Button and Mathletics are great resources to help with this.

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Calendar Dates

Calendar Dates

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
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Take a look at the stats.

  • Class R


  • Class 1


  • Class 2


  • Class 3


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  • Class 5


  • Class 6


Overall School:



Awards we have achieved so far.

School Awards

Star Learner

Star Learner

The Star Learner is:

Star Learner

Christian Values

Read about our values.
