We design learning experiences which build on the child’s skills and knowledge, challenge them to do their best and are likely to result in success.
Phonics is an important skill which taught from the time children start school. It enables them to decode when reading and develop their spelling skills. At St Martin's Church of England Primary School we use a scheme called Super Sonic Phonic Friends. At the end of Year 1 all pupils are screened using the DfE Phonics Screening materials. Any pupils who do not meet the required threshold will receive additional support and will be re-screened at the end of Year 2.
Learning Styles
All children are individuals and as such present us with a wide range of learning styles, some learn well by listening, some by seeing things, and others need to physically do things to consolidate their learning. In our teaching we stimulate as many senses as possible to ensure all children progress in their learning.
Equal Opportunities
St Martin's Primary School is committed to providing the full range of opportunities for all pupils regardless of gender, disability, ethnicity, social, cultural, or religious background. All pupils have equal access to the curriculum and the right to a learning environment that dispels ignorance, prejudice and stereotyping.
We think it is vital for all children to experience success in their learning, so we ensure they know exactly what we want them to learn and what a successful attempt will look like. Setting appropriate objectives and expectations helps children to achieve.
We provide a stimulating environment in which children can access the materials and information they need in their work, increasing their independence as learners. The result is that we have successful, confident learners.
Religious Education
Religious Education is taught throughout the school using the Kent Scheme of Work.
Equality and Diversity
We believe that it is essential for children to develop an understanding of a variety of cultures. We aim to help children grow into adults who respect and care for all people.
Modern Foreign Languages
All children in KS2 are taught French.
At St Martin's we use a variety of laptops and ipads to support the children's learning which they use in class for various aspects of their learning.